Neck node metastasis: the strong prognostic indicator in oral cavity malignancy
Oral cavity malignancy, Prognostic indicator, Neck, Lymph node metastasisAbstract
Background: Oral cavity malignancy is common in INDIA. Many patients come with neck node metastasis, result in poor prognosis, patients treated in early stage, results in good prognosis. As Lymph node metastasis is strong prognostic indicator in oral cavity malignancy. The objective of the study was to assess prognosis of oral cavity malignancy (Squamous Cell carcinoma) with respect to number of neck node metastasis.
Methods: Total 106 patients of Oral cavity malignancy, were treated in surgical oncology, unit in Krishna Hospital Karad between Oct 1997 to Dec 2004. Operative procedures were WE (Wide excision) and RND (Radical neck dissection) and SOHND (Supraomohoid neck dissection) with post-operative Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Histopathological assessment was done for primary lesions and neck node metastasis in operative specimen. Analysis and summation of data was done by using statistical software SPSS.
Results: There were 81 patients with no neck node metastasis (NO). 14 with 1 to 3 neck node metastasis, their mortality was 35.7% (at 1 year follow up ) 6 with 4 to 7 neck node metastasis, their mortality was 66.7%, 4 with 7 to 9 neck node metastasis, their mortality was 75%. 1 patient was having above 9 neck node metastasis, died with other disease.
Conclusions: Lymph node metastasis is a strong prognostic indicator in oral cavity malignancy. If patients are treated in early stage (stage 1 and 2) survival is significantly better.
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