A schwannoma of superficial radial nerve in hand clinically masquerading a subcutaneous lipoma: a very rare case report


  • Tanveer Ahmad Bhat Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, KSMC, KSA
  • Hisham Alokaili Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, KSMC, KSA
  • Renad O. Alkadi Department of Pathology, KSMC, KSA
  • Abdulla S. Altamimi Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, KSMC, KSA
  • Mohammed Y. Mirza Department of Plastic Surgery and Burns, KSMC, KSA




Schwannoma, Tumour, Peripheral nerve, Excision


Schwannoma also called neurilemmoma are benign tumours arising from Schwann cells. Schwannoma of superficial radial nerve is very rare. We report a 22 years old female who presented with a painless swelling on the dorsum of the hand simulating clinically a lipoma. Excision of the swelling was performed and on histopathological examination it proved to be Schwannoma. So, while dealing with any lump over dorsum of the hand in the distribution of superficial radial nerve Schwannoma should be kept in mind as one of the differential diagnoses and proper radiological evaluation before excision of swelling should be routinely done followed by histopathological confirmation and immunohistochemistry.


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How to Cite

Bhat, T. A., Alokaili, H., Alkadi, R. O., Altamimi, A. S., & Mirza, M. Y. (2023). A schwannoma of superficial radial nerve in hand clinically masquerading a subcutaneous lipoma: a very rare case report. International Surgery Journal, 10(11), 1797–1800. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20233340



Case Reports