Outcome and response rate in post neoadjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer in a tertiary hospital in Malaysia
Breast cancer, Neoadjuvant chemotherapy, Outcome, Disease free survival, RecurrenceAbstract
Background: The use of preoperative chemotherapy also increased the rate of breast conserving surgery in breast cancer. This study aims to assess the type of chemotherapy and biological markers that associated with pathological complete response in our population.
Methods: This is a data analysis involving breast cancer patients confirmed pathologically that underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy in Hospital Raja Perempuan Zainab II from January 2018 to December 2021. Retrospective sampling was done using Sistem Pengurusan Pesakit (SPP) which is a hospital-generated database. All patients were given standard chemotherapy regimens.
Results: A total of 59 patients enrolled in this study. Half of the patients were luminal A (48%), luminal B and triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) were both 23%. All patients received antracyclin as neoadjuvant regime and 54% had a combination with Docetaxel. Only 1 patient achieved pCR which was TNBC, given Antracyclin + Taxane regime. Tumour reduction >90% highest in TNBC group and using FEC regime. Factors associated with survival were age and miller payne grade. The only pCR was achieved in triple negative breast cancer as being showed by previous study. Tumour loss with more than 30% is equal comparing Antracyline only group and Antracyline + Taxane group.
Conclusions: Antracyline + Taxane regime chemotherapy is still the regime of choice for neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer. Triple negative breast cancer patients should receive preoperative chemotherapy as they will have a higher rate of pCR.
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