Gall bladder stump cholelithiasis: a rare presentation
Post cholecystectomy syndrome, Stump cholelithiasis, Cystic duct remanant syndromeAbstract
Laparascopic cholecystectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure for the removal of a diseased gall bladder which has largely replaced open cholecystectomy since early 1990s. However some exhibit a certain ‘post cholecystectomy syndrome’ where there is a recurrence of symptoms similar to those before cholecystectomy. We reported a previously asymptomatic thirty eight year old woman with right hypochondrium pain and a history of laparascopic cholecystectomy seven years ago. Various causes for the same were evaluated and the patient was found to have gall bladder stump cholelithiasis on magnetic resonance cholangio pancreatography. A complete cholecystectomy was then performed and the patient achieved symptomatic resolution. It is important to be aware of this complication in post cholecystectomy patients who may present several years later.
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