Outcome of Chivates trans anal suture mucoanopexy procedure for haemorrhoids: primary findings in South Indian population
Grade III, Grade IV haemorrhoids, Constipation, Bleeding per anus, Mass per anusAbstract
Background: This procedure is used by surgeons all across India and we offer our preliminary findings from Southern India. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first publication from the rural part of Tamil Nadu to be disclosed.
Methods: One of the novel methods for treating grade III and IV haemorrhoids is the Chivate's procedure (CP). Restoring lowered anal cushions to their original positions and ligation of blood flow to the anal canal are the two main components of the Chivates surgery. Hemorrhoids' engorgement, prolapse, recurrence, and discomfort are the main factors influencing how haemorrhoids are treated.
Results: This procedure is the effective method with successful outcome in grade III and grade IV haemorrhoids. No complications like pain, soiling and leakage were noted.
Conclusions: CP of trans anal suture rectopexy for haemorrhoid is a very promising procedure with a short learning curve. In our experience with 58 patients, we conclude that the procedure successfully controlled mass, prolapse and recurrence of haemorrhoids.
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