Rare presentation of gastric outlet obstruction with jejunal impaction of gall stones-the Bouveret’s syndrome


  • Ravi Ranjan Department of Surgery, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, Delhi, India https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6226-9430
  • Gyan Saurabh Department of Surgery, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, Delhi, India
  • Ranvir Singh Department of Surgery, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, Delhi, India




Gastric outlet obstruction, Bouveret’s syndrome, Rigler’s triad


Gall stones related complications are very common in the world, Bouveret’s syndrome is one of the rare complications (1-3%). Bouveret’s syndrome presents a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. We present a rare case of an 80-year-old lady diagnosed with gastric outlet obstruction with jejunal impaction of gallstones, because of a gallstone impacted in the jejunum 50 cm from duodenojejunal flexure. The patient was operated on with enterotomy and retrieval of gall stones impacted in the jejunum, with roux en y gastrojejunostomy drainage procedure, the gastro-duodenal fistula was left in situ, because of high risk and unstable general condition of our patient intra-operatively. The patient had multiple pre-existing pre and peri-operative comorbidities, fortunately, our patient recovered and our patient was discharged on 21st postoperative days. Identifying Rigler’s triad symptoms is synonymous with diagnosing Bouveret’s syndrome. However, classical Rigler’s triad is present in only 40% of cases, hence alertness and a high degree of suspicion are required to differentiate Bouveret’s syndrome from other mechanical causes of gastric outlet obstruction. The atypical cases of Bouveret’s syndrome present a challenge to the surgeon for early diagnosis and therapeutic surgical management.


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Case Reports