A study of surgical management of intestinal obstruction
Intestinal obstruction, Resection, AnastomosisAbstract
Background: Intestinal obstruction is one of the more challenging emergency that a general surgeon can come across. However, mortality ranges from 3% with simple obstruction to as much as 30% when there is vascular compromise/perforation of the obstructed intestine, despite improvements in diagnostic tools, fluid and electrolyte correction immediately, effective antimicrobials, and surgical therapy.
Methods: There were 50 cases of intestinal obstruction studied from October 2020 to October 2022 at MVJMC&RH (Rural Bangalore) and relevant investigations were sent and operative procedures were performed and data was collected.
Results: In this study, intestinal obstruction is more common in the age group of 30-60 year. Male and female are nearly in equal ratio. Small bowel obstruction is more common. Pain abdomen and abdominal distension was the most common presentation. Most common etiological factor is postoperative adhesions. Malignant obstruction is more common in large bowel. Most common operation performed was resection-anastomosis. The mortality in intestinal obstruction is high in individuals who developed strangulated/perforated bowel, those present beyond 72 hours and in those are having pre-existing associated diseases and elderly people.
Conclusions: Intestinal obstruction remains still a common and important surgical emergency. Obstruction due to adhesions increasing in incidence due to increased abdominal & pelvic surgeries. The obstruction due to external hernias decreasing due to early elective surgeries. The morbidity and mortality depends on the age of the patient, etiology of obstruction, site of obstruction, state of hydration, viability of the bowel, delay in diagnosis and surgical intervention and associated medical illness.
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