A comparative study between the outcomes of various surgical procedure in management of ileal perforation of tertiary care in central India
Ileal perforation, Ileostomy, Perforation peritonitis, Resection anastomosisAbstract
Background: This study was done to establish the outcomes of surgical procedure in management of ileal perforation.
Methods: This study included 70 patients admitted to surgical emergency with acute abdomen. These patients were divided into 3 groups group A, group B, group C. The surgical management was done as primary repair (group A) and resection and anastomosis (group B) and primary repair with ileostomy (group C); Comparative study was done between all procedure. Study centre was L. N. medical college and hospital and research centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Study duration was from March 2021 to September 2022.
Results: This study highlights the life-saving role of loop ileostomy for postoperative intestinal leakage in cases of primary repair of perforation. It is recommended that whenever intestinal leakage is suspected in the postoperative period, urgent exploratory laparotomy must be undertaken and the continuing peritoneal contamination should be controlled by exteriorizing the site of intestinal leak as loop ileostomy.
Conclusions: In our study we have found that, for a single perforation, primary repair is the procedure of choice and for multiple perforation with good systemic support, resection anastomosis is procedure of choice. For patient with poor systemic support, loop ileostomy is preferred procedure as it decreases the mortality.
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