Spectrum of clinical presentation and surgical management of intestinal tuberculosis at tertiary health centre
Intestinal tuberculosis, Malnutrition, Poverty, Abdominal pain, OvercrowdingAbstract
Background: Tuberculosis is a transmittable disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis (TB) is a widespread and serious health issue, particularly in developing nations where ignorance, poverty, overcrowding, inadequate sanitation, and malnutrition are prominent. The goal of this study was to assess the clinical signs and outcomes after surgery for intestinal TB and to compare the clinicopathological profile and outcome of surgical therapy of abdominal tuberculosis in our environment to what has been reported in the literature.
Methods: The research was carried out at the SMS hospital in Jaipur, general surgery ward. This was a hospital-based descriptive observational study that lasted until September 2021 carried out from September 2020 to September 2021 the necessary sample size was reached. The sample size was computed using a 95% confidence interval and the assumption that 76.7% of the patients had abdominal pain. The sample size of 68 patients with intestinal TB was rounded up to 70 patients.
Results: Out of 70 patients, there were 30 patients in the age range 15-30 years, followed by 20 (28.57%) in the age group 46-60 years, and 16 (22.85%) in the age group 61-75 years. Females made up 55.71% of the 70 patients.
Conclusions: The disease is characterised by young age at presentation, delayed manifestation, poverty, and high morbidity and mortality in this region. These issues must be addressed in order to provide the best possible treatment for these individuals. The key to an early and successful diagnosis of abdominal tuberculosis is extreme monitoring in patients with abdominal symptoms.
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