A rare case of traumatic brachial artery injury


  • Dhruva Sharma Department of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, SMS Medical College and hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan
  • Raj Kumar Yadav Department of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, SMS Medical College and hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan




Brachial artery injury, Angiography, Vascular surgical procedures


A relatively large proportion of peripheral arterial injuries are constituted by traumatic brachial artery injuries. Injuries to the arteries of the upper extremity and have the potential to significantly impact the outcome of the trauma patient. We report a case of 26 yr. old male patient with two glass-cut wounds in his right upper extremity, one in the arm and another in forearm. The patient presented with history of pain, brisk bleeding, pale and cold right upper extremity. It was associated with absent radial and ulnar pulses and profound neurological deficits. The brachial artery was diagnosed and confirmed by angiography and was repaired with reverse right saphenous vein graft in interpositioning. Prompt management of the traumatic brachial artery injuries is mandatory to maximize the survival of the patient and to prevent complications like compartment syndrome.


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