Onlay and sublay mesh repair in incisional hernias: our experience from GSL medical college and hospital, Rajahmundry
Incisional hernia, Onlay, Sublay mesh repair, Outcome, ComplicationsAbstract
Background: The incidence of post-operative wound infection and wound-related complications due to mesh repair aimed at continuing research into the optimal method of treatment of these hernias. The two operative techniques most frequently used in case of ventral hernia are the onlay and sublay repair. However, it remains unclear which technique is superior. Objectives were to compare the morbidity and complications associated with onlay and sublay mesh repair in the management of incisional hernias.
Methods: The present descriptive observational study was carried out in patients admitted in surgical wards at GSL medical college and hospital, Rajahmundry who are clinically diagnosed to have incisional hernia. The study was carried out from January to November 2019. Data was analysed with SPSS 23.0.
Results: Seroma was seen in 12% and 8% respectively from onlay and sublay group and this proportion of seroma was more in onlay group as compared to sublay group (<0.05). Postoperative recurrence of hernia was seen in both groups equally. Number of days of hospitalization in sublay group was less as compared to onlay group. Deep surgical site infection (SSI) was seen in 8% and 4% respectively from onlay and sublay group.
Conclusions: Sublay mesh repair has a lower rate of post-operative complications than onlay mesh repair, deep SSI leading to infection of mesh is higher in on‑lay mesh repair. Number of days of hospitalization in sublay group was less as compared to onlay group.
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