Surgical intervention as a curative major for secondary hypertension


  • Ramesh Mahadev Tambat Department of General Surgery, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Venuprasad Narasimhaiah Department of General Surgery, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Marshall David Collin Department of General Surgery, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Nataraj Y. Sannappanavar Department of General Surgery, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Nitin Kumar Department of General Surgery, Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • Yogendra Shrestha Research Scholar, Adichunchanagiri University, B. G. Nagara, Karnataka, India
  • Jeet Bahadur Moktan Research Scholar, Adichunchanagiri University, B. G. Nagara, Karnataka, India



Functional paraganglioma, retroperitoneal paraganglioma, surgical management, Secondary hypertension, FDG-PET


Retroperitoneal functional paraganglioma is a rare type of neuroendocrine neoplasm which secrete excess catecholamines including epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and their metabolites metanephrine, normetanephrine, 3-methoxytyramine respectively. Early diagnosis of functional paraganglioma is important because its removal is often curative. The extent of disease is evaluate using 2(18F)-fluoro-2 deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET), where increased uptake of 18-FDG observed the mass. It is one of the rare curable causes of secondary hypertension. Here, we have presented the rare case of a young female who was recently diagnosed with hypertension and pain in abdomen, was later found to have functional paraganglioma.


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How to Cite

Tambat, R. M., Narasimhaiah, V., Collin, M. D., Sannappanavar, N. Y., Kumar, N., Shrestha, Y., & Moktan, J. B. (2021). Surgical intervention as a curative major for secondary hypertension. International Surgery Journal, 8(8), 2480–2483.



Case Reports