Breast ovarian cancer syndrome


  • Abhirup H. R. Department of General Surgery, KVG Medical College and Hospital, Sullia, Dakshina Kannada, India
  • Priyanka Kenchetty Department of Dermatology, KVG Medical College and Hospital, Sullia, Dakshina Kannada, India
  • Aishwarya K. Chidananda Department of Radio-Diagnosis, KVG Medical College and Hospital, Sullia, Dakshina Kannada, India



Carcinoma breast, Ovarian cancer, BRCA1, BRCA2


BRCA1 and BRCA2, known as breast and ovarian cancer predisposition genes, were discovered in the 1990s. As part of a normal genetic structure, these genes are intrinsic to all human beings, but they are mutated in some individuals increasing the risk for breast and ovarian cancers development. BRCA1 is not only expressed in endocrine tissues but is also detected in other cells such as the neuroepithelial cells in the early stage of cell development. Like BRCA1, BRCA2 is also expressed in a wide variety of tissues and is observed with higher rates in the breast and thymus and with lower rates in the lung, ovary and spleen. We presented to you a case of 40 year old female admitted in surgical ward with lump in the left breast since 2 months with ipsilateral discrete axillary lymphadenopathy. Bilateral sono-mammography showed BIRADS V lesion in left breasts with satellite nodules. Ultrasonography of abdomen and pelvis showed large left adnexal solid mass lesion and right sided ovarian cyst with retrocaval, preaortic lymphadenopathy. Patient underwent a diagnostic laparoscopy which was converted to a laparotomy. Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salphingo-oophorectomy was done. For the breast lump, patient underwent left sided modified radical mastectomy. Gene testing for revealed BRCA1 positivity. Chemotherapy was given to cover both breast and ovarian carcinoma. Patient came back with abdominal distension after 9 months and was offered palliative care. Patient succumbed for disease after 1 year after diagnosis. We reviewed the literature for the same.


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How to Cite

R., A. H., Kenchetty, P., & Chidananda, A. K. (2021). Breast ovarian cancer syndrome. International Surgery Journal, 8(8), 2454–2456.



Case Reports