Leiomyoma an uncommon benign esophageal tumor
Leiomyoma, Esophageal masses, EnucleationAbstract
Leiomyoma are rare esophageal masses. Majority remain asymptomatic but may present with dysphagia when more than five centimeters in size. Barium swallow is the initial diagnostic investigation. Small lesion can be observed. Symptomatic and large lesion should undergo prompt surgical enucleation. Here we presented a case of a 35 year old female presenting with progressive dysphagia and gradual weight loss for 5 years along with regurgitation for one year. Clinical examination was unremarkable. Barium study was suggestive of smooth intramural defect with normal mucosa. Computed tomography showed well defined homogenous opacity located intramuraly at the level of junction of middle and distal third of esophagus with normal surrounding structures. Surgical enucleation was done through a right posterolateral thoracotomy. Muscle defect was repaired and checked for possible leaks. Liquid diet was commenced on 5th postoperative day. Patient was discharged on semisolid diet for two weeks with progression to solid meal.
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