A study to assess the macular thickness and visual outcome before and after cataract surgery


  • Abhishek Salwan Department of Ophthalmology, Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Vallah, Sri Amritsar, Punjab
  • Shakeen Singh Department of Ophthalmology, Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Vallah, Sri Amritsar, Punjab




PHACO, SICS, OCT, Macular thickness, CME


Background: Cystoid macular edema (CME) is the formation of fluid-filled cystoid spaces between the outer plexiform and inner nuclear layers of the retina. It may present as a complication of routine cataract surgery including phacoemulsification (PHACO) and small incision cataract surgery (SICS).

Methods: An observational study of uncomplicated cataract surgery with assessment by ophthalmoscopy, slit Lamp, Snellen chart and OCT during pre- and post-operative period. 100 patients were selected by inclusion criteria and using convenient sampling technique and were divided into two groups of 50 each in PHACO and SICS groups.

Results: During preoperative observation in SICS/group-1, mean value and SD of macular thickness was 223.38±12.61 and in PHACO/group-2 it was 224.14±12.69. Mean value, mean difference and p value of visual acuity in group 1 was 0.258, during 12 weeks 0.788 with mean difference -0.53 and p=0.000 and in group 2 it was 0.269, during 12 weeks 0.844 with mean difference -0.58 and p=0.000. Mean value, SD, mean difference and p value of macular thickness in SICS during 1 week was 238.28±12.29, during 12 weeks 227.04±12.58 with mean difference 11.24000 and p=0.000 and in PHACO mean value, SD, mean difference with p value during 1 week was 231.90±12.42, during 12 weeks was 225.02±11.74 with mean difference 6.88000 and p=0.000.

Conclusions: A subclinical increase in post-operative macular thickness was recorded which returned nearly to baseline values during the 12 weeks follow up and did not affect visual outcome.


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How to Cite

Salwan, A., & Singh, S. (2021). A study to assess the macular thickness and visual outcome before and after cataract surgery. International Surgery Journal, 8(6), 1747–1753. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20211913



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