Chemotherapy port placement in breast cancer patients in a resource constrained setting: hurdles and outcomes
Chemotherapy port, Breast cancerAbstract
Background: Safe long-term venous access is essential in cancer undergoing chemotherapy, bone marrow transplant or supportive management in some conditions. Implanted devices are of choice here but under-utilised. Our review focuses on evaluating the reasons for this underutilisation so as to promote the use of chemo port in specific situations.
Methods: 245 patients undergoing port placement in a socio-economically constrained zone were analysed with regard to multiple clinical, social and logistical parameters and long-term follow-up assessed.
Results: Solid malignancy was the most common indication for port placement followed by hemato-lymphoid cancers. Breast cancers are the commonest solid cancer for Port placement. In our evaluation patients having chemotherapy ports were less worried about the upcoming chemo procedures because of the ease of IV access, resulting in better compliance and quality of life. Cost of the device and absence of expertise for placement and handling were the primary reasons for reluctance of port placement. Port related complications were few, not life threatening, and insignificant in the long term.
Conclusions: Placement of a Chemotherapy port is a technique with an easy learning curve and a good safety profile. Procedural and long term complications are few and acceptable. Costs are acceptable in the long term and are beneficial to the patient. This method to needs to be promoted in patients needing long-term venous access. Adequate training will promote acceptance and use of the chemo-port. Clinicians should adopt and offer this for all indicated patients.
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