Prospective study of 30 cases of temporary ileostomy and their complication
Temporary ileostomy, Complications, StomaAbstract
Background: An intestinal stoma is an opening of the intestine or urinary tract onto the abdominal wall, constructed surgically or appearing inadvertently. An ileostomy involves exteriorization of the ileum on the abdominal skin. In rare instances, the proximal small bowel may be exteriorised as a jejunostomy. A colostomy is a connection of the colon to the skin of the abdominal wall.
Methods: Data of patients, who were undergone for ileostomy construction in New Civil Hospital, Surat were collected prospectively regarding complete history, clinical features on examination, investigations and management.
Results: The most common indication of ileostomy formation was ileal perforation in 46.6% patients followed by Intestinal obstruction in 16.6% patients, obstruction with gangrene in 13.3% patients, adhesion in 10% patients. In total of 30 patients loop ileostomy was performed in 17 patients and double barrel ileostomy in 13 patients. Peristomal skin irritation was the most common complication (90%) cases, followed by stomal necrosis/retraction (3.3%). Complications were recorded in all patients out which stomal complication seen in 96% of cases (29 out of 30). Of these peristomal skin excoriation was most common (90%) followed by wound related complications, present in 36.6% cases (11 out of 30 patients).
Conclusions: In case of a high complication procedure like ileostomy, it is important to know regarding factors which can be avoided and managed. Knowing these factors which can be avoided or managed. Knowing these factors may help in attributing complications to surgical or technical factors, thereby providing opportunity to correct this error. Prediction of ileostomy complication helps in better management before occurrence of complication. It also helps in conservation of resources and better patient outcome.
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