Efficacy of haemorrhoidectomy versus haemorrhoidectomy with internal sphincterotomy in treatment of haemorrhoids: a retrospective randomized controlled trial study


  • Rajasekar Selvarajan Department of General Surgery, Sri Muthukumaran Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India




Haemorrhoidectomy, Internal sphincterotomy, Pain, Haemorrhoids


Background: Role of internal sphincterotomy along with hemorrhoidectomy in reducing the pain among the cases with hemorrhoids is still a debate among most of the surgeons. Hence this study was conducted to compare the efficacy of haemorrhoidectomy with or without internal sphincterotomy in reducing the post-operative pain among the patients with haemorrhoids.  

Methods: A hospital based randomized controlled trial study was conducted among the patients with haemorrhoids undergoing surgical intervention for the same in department of general surgery in Sri Muthukumaran Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai, during the study period from July 2017 to December 2019. A total of sixty cases with haemorrhoids were included in the study. Patients in group A (n=30) underwent haemorrhoidectomy alone and group B (n=30) underwent haemorrhoidectomy along with internal sphicterectomy. Data entry was done using Microsoft excel and data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.

Results: In the present study, mean pain scores on first three post-operative days and the duration required to resume the normal activities was found to be low in the group who underwent haemorrhoidectomy with internal sphincterectomy compared to the group who underwent haemorrhoidectomy alone. Duration of surgical procedure and the complications were found to be similar in both haemorrhoidectomy with internal sphincterectomy group and haemorrhoidectomy alone, group.  

Conclusions: Haemorrhoidectomy with lateral Internal Sphincterotomy is better in terms of less pain but the complications were similar in both groups.  

Author Biography

Rajasekar Selvarajan, Department of General Surgery, Sri Muthukumaran Medical College Hospital and Research Institute, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Assistant Professor, General Surgery Department,

Sri Muthukumaran College and Hospital 


Chennai 600 069.


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