An observational comparative study of single layer continuous extramucosal anastomosis versus conventional double layer intestinal anastomosis
Anastomosis, Anastomotic dehiscence, Double layer continuous, Postoperative recover, Single layer continuousAbstract
Background: Conventional double layered technique of intestinal anastomosis are widely in practise. Some surgeons also practice single layer technique either continuous or interrupted. This was a prospective observational study to compare safety, efiicacy and feasibility of single versus double layered continuous techniques.
Methods: Patients undergoing intestinal anastomosis with either of these two techniques were observed prospectively for various outcome parameters like length of suture material used, time taken for anastomosis, and that for entire surgery, postoperative complications, return of bowel activity etc. Data such obtained was analysed for statistical significance by applying chi-square test and unpaired ‘t’ test.
Results: Length of suture used for single layer (mean of 15.06 cm) was statistically significantly lesser than that for double layer (mean 19.90 cm) (p.0.001). Time taken for anastomosis and overall surgical time too was significantly less for single layer group (p.0.001 and 0.022 respectively). Complications including anastomotic dehiscence were not significantly different between two groups. Postoperative recovery of bowel function was earlier in single layer group with marginal statistical significance (p=0.048).
Conclusions: Thus in our study, single layer continuous method of intestinal anastomosis resulted in significant reduction in time, suture material length and cost; without any difference in complications and it marginally hastens the postoperative recovery of bowel function. So single layer continuous method can be recommended for intestinal anastomosis.
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