A rare case: adenoma of the epididymis
Adenoma, Epididymis, Paratesticular tumourAbstract
Adenomatoid tumour accounts for less than 1-2 % of all intrascrotal neoplasms which usually presents incidentally. It is a non-hormone dependent, uncommon benign mesothelial neoplasm, usually localized in the epididymis. Presenting a case of a 38 years old male requesting for consultation regarding a small lump that he palpated three years ago in his left hemiscrotum during self-examination. U/S examination of the scrotum with Doppler and cytopathology report revealed a benign adenomatoid tumour arising from the left epididymis. Surgical treatment was decided and a left scrotal exploration with excision of the mass was performed with annual follow up. We report here an interesting case of an adenomatoid tumour of the epididymis from our institution, owing to its sheer rarity, even today.
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