Mannheim’s peritonitis index a more simpler prognostic index than APACHE II score


  • Jyoti S. Maran Department of Surgery, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Archana Shukla Department of Surgery, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India
  • Bhupendra Singh Parmar Department of Surgery, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India



Manheim’s peritonitis index, Apache II score, Hollow viscus perforation, Peritonitis


Background: The study was done with the aim to determine the clinical profile of patients with hollow viscous perforation and to compare MPI and APACHE II score

Methods: This study was a prospective and retrospective observational study conducted in the department of General Surgery, Gandhi Medical College and associated Hamidia Hospital from the June 2017 to August 2019The possible score ranges from 0-47. All necessary preoperative data was recorded. Blood sample was taken and relevant blood investigations were done. Patients were resuscitated with iv fluids. Nasogastric tube and urinary cather insertion were done. The parameters of modified APACHE II score and Manheim’s peritonitis index were recorded at the time of admission. Patients underwent emergency laprotomy and correction of pathology was done.

Results: Out of total 100 patients 79% were males, 21% were females, majority 45% belonged to the age group 26-35 years.  To calculate the cut off point for mortality ROC curve was constructed. ROC curve analysis predicted that Manheim’s score of 22 or more would predict mortality. Out of total 16 deaths, 14 cases had Manheim’s score of 22 or more thus, giving the score a sensitivity of 87.5% and specificity of 77.38% and overall accuracy of 79% in our study. ROC also predicted that APACHE II score of 15 or more would predict mortality. Thus, giving APACHE II score a sensitivity of 93.75%, specificity of 100% and accuracy of 99%.

Conclusions: We consider MPI to be a more simpler prognostic indicator than APACHE II score.


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Author Biography

Jyoti S. Maran, Department of Surgery, Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Assistant Professor

Deptt. Of  Surgery

Gandhi Medical College



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How to Cite

Maran, J. S., Shukla, A., & Parmar, B. S. (2020). Mannheim’s peritonitis index a more simpler prognostic index than APACHE II score. International Surgery Journal, 7(9), 3041–3046.



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