Clinical and diagnostic profile of patients with anal fistula: a cross sectional study from Vilasrao Deshmukh Government Institute of Medical Sciences, Latur, Maharashtra
Fistula in ano, Clinical presentation, DiagnosisAbstract
Background: Anal fistulas are one of the commonest causes for a persistent discharge seropurulent in nature that irritates the skin in the neighbourhood and leads to discomfort. Fistula-in-ano is seen quite frequently in perirectal perianal suppuration. The objective of this study to study the clinical profile and diagnosis of anal fistula at surgical OPD of VDGIMS.
Methods: The present cross-sectional observational study was carried out in patients with fistula-in-ano admitted at surgical department of VDGIMS, Latur during the period of 2017-19 in 50 diagnosed patients. Data was analysed by using SPSS 24.0 version IBM USA.
Results: Majority of the patients with anal fistula were from 41-50 years age group i.e. 15 (30%) and males were predominantly affected 40 (80%) compared to females i.e. 10 (20%). Male to female ratio was 4:1. Perianal discomfort was the commonest symptom in all patients i.e. 100%. It is followed by perianal discharge complained by 54% and perianal itching in 38% cases. The anterior position of external opening is found to be significant (p<0.05). Fistulogram showed external opening in all patients i.e. 50 cases whereas internal opening in 46 (92%) cases. Findings of MRI revealed that anal fistula was intra sphincteric in 28 cases i.e. 56%, extra sphincteric in 2 cases i.e. 4% and trans sphincteric in 20 cases i.e. 40%.
Conclusions: Commonest age group affected in our study was 40-50 years with male predominance. Perianal discomfort and discharge were the commonest symptom. E. coli was the predominant organism isolated. Fistulogram and MRI is useful in detecting the aetiology of fistula in ano.
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