Gastric trichobezoar and Rapunzel syndrome: a case report


  • Abhishek Gupta Department of General Surgery and Minimal Invasive Surgery, Gupta Surgical Hospital, Mau, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Panna Lal Gupta Department of General Surgery and Minimal Invasive Surgery, Gupta Surgical Hospital, Mau, Uttar Pradesh, India



Gastic trichobezoar, Rapunzel syndrome, Trichophagia, Trichotillomania, Anterior gastrotomy


Giant gastric trichobezoars are unusual form of foreign body found in stomach of mostly young adolescent females which may lead to morbidity and high mortality 30%, if goes unnoticed. These females have history of trichophagia or trichotillomania. This report is of a 12- year old young adolescent female presented with epigastric pain and mass. An exploratory laparotomy with anterior gastrotomy was performed and a giant trichobezoar with a very large tail of 2.5 ft was removed, weighing 2.52 kg. She recovered well and was discharged on 7th post-operative day. Patient was advised for psychiatric follow up.

Author Biography

Abhishek Gupta, Department of General Surgery and Minimal Invasive Surgery, Gupta Surgical Hospital, Mau, Uttar Pradesh, India


Department of General Surgery & Minimal Invasive Surgery

Gupta Surgical Hospital


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Case Reports