Pyloric perforation in situs inversus totalis and Ladd’s band with dextrocardia: a collection of rare anomalies and associated operative challenge


  • Tausif kamal Syed Department of Surgery, Al-Ameen Medical College, Vijayapura, Karnataka, India
  • Ikram Fareed Department of Surgery, Al-Ameen Medical College, Vijayapura, Karnataka, India
  • Jilani Awati Department of Surgery, Al-Ameen Medical College, Vijayapura, Karnataka, India
  • Sajid Mudhol Department of Surgery, Al-Ameen Medical College, Vijayapura, Karnataka, India



Pyloric perforation, Situs inversus surgery, Ladd’s bands, Dextrocardia


Situs inversus totalis with dextrocardia is a rare entity where the liver and gall bladder are on the left side and the spleen on the right. It is an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance and the patients are usually asymptomatic with a normal life span. Ladd’s band on the other hand is a fibrous band of peritoneum lying over the duodenum to the caecum, which usually presents as intestinal malrotation and is most commonly diagnosed and treated with Ladd’s procedure in infancy itself. Asymptomatic adult cases presenting later in life are rarely seen. Here we present a case of a 22-year-old male who presented with symptoms of perforation peritonitis and was diagnosed on clinical and radiological examination to have situs inversus. Intra-operative findings later revealed presence of a Ladd’s band too.


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Author Biography

Tausif kamal Syed, Department of Surgery, Al-Ameen Medical College, Vijayapura, Karnataka, India

I am working as an assistant professor in dept. of surgery in Al-Ameen medical college bijapur. i am very keen on publishing my research as i would like to be successful in my carreer and also advance the ranks further. currently i am working on 4 different projects, one each in endocrine surgery, endoscopic surgery, laproscopic surgery and oncosurgery.... I hope to publish my current and ongoing work very soon...


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How to Cite

Syed, T. kamal, Fareed, I., Awati, J., & Mudhol, S. (2020). Pyloric perforation in situs inversus totalis and Ladd’s band with dextrocardia: a collection of rare anomalies and associated operative challenge. International Surgery Journal, 8(1), 382–384.



Case Reports