A study of collagen dressing versus conventional dressings in burns at tertiary health care centre


  • Paritoshsingh B. Thakur Department of General Surgery, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry
  • T. Ramachandrudu Department of General Surgery, Aarupadai Veedu Medical College and Hospital, Puducherry
  • Anant Arunrao Takalkar Department of Community Medicine, MIMSR Medical College and YCRH, Latur, Maharashtra




Collagen dressing, Conventional dressings, Burns


Background: Worldwide, burn injury is a problem and cause intense pain, biological dressings like collagen as it forms physiological interface prevents infection effective for burn wound healing. The objective of the study was to study of collagen dressing versus conventional dressings in burns at tertiary health care centre.

Methods: This was a cross sectional study carried out in the Department of Surgery during September 2018 to September 2019. Out of 50 patients, 25 were enrolled to collagen treatment group (group A) and remaining into conventional treatment group i.e. (group B). The statistical analysis was done by unpaired t-test and chi-square test.

Results: Average less time required for granulation tissue to appear p<0.001, df=48, t=4.56); average less time requires for sterile wound swab culture (weeks) (p<0.05, df=48, t=3.45); less discomfort score (0-10) (p<0.001, df=48, t=6.78); less dressing removal pain score (0-10) (p<0.0001, df=48, t=9.87); less average time required for complete healing (days ) (p<0.001, df=48, t=7.79).

Conclusions: It can be concluded that collagen dressings were superior to conventional dressing in wound healing of burns.


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How to Cite

Thakur, P. B., Ramachandrudu, T., & Takalkar, A. A. (2020). A study of collagen dressing versus conventional dressings in burns at tertiary health care centre. International Surgery Journal, 7(4), 1061–1064. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20201073



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