Management of rare and atypical inguinal hernias: our experience at a tertiary care centre
Inguinal hernia, Loss of domain hernia, Mesenteric cyst, Ogilvie’s hernia, Ureteric herniaAbstract
Background: Inguinal hernia is one of the most common surgical conditions operated by the surgeon. The purpose of the study paper was to provide diagnostic and therapeutic resources to deal with certain difficult situations in hernia repair.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of 8 rare and atypical inguinal hernias was conducted for a period of 2 years at NRI General Hospital, which includes cases like Loss of domain hernias and hernias with atypical contents; which stood as diagnostic and management challenge to the surgeon.
Results: Of the eight very rare and atypical cases operated, no postoperative complications were noted except one which developed a scrotal abscess after one month of discharge.
Conclusions: The infrequent encounter with rare and atypical hernias stands a diagnostic challenge to the surgeon. Inguinal hernia repair even-though looks simple yet may sometimes be very difficult.
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