Ganglioneuroma mimicking adrenal tumor
Retroperitoneal tumor, Adrenal gland, Inferior vena cava, SurgeryAbstract
Ganglioneuromas arise from neural crest sympathogonia and are rare benign neurogenic tumors. The most common affected sites are posterior mediastinum and the retroperitoneum. They rarely affect adrenal glands. Ganglioneuromas often present as solitary, painless and slow growing mass and are benign in nature. These tumors are closely related to major vessels. Hence, surgical management of retroperitoneal pathologies may require multiorgan resection in order to achieve complete surgical resection while preservation of surrounding organs especially in case of benign tumors. We present a case report of a 21 year old male with a 12×10×10 cm size right sided retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma which on computed tomography (CT) mimicked adrenal tumor crossing the midline and abutting the aorta and splaying the inferior venal cava and renal vein. Present paper is an attempt to review the various surgical options available while dealing with these benign retroperitoneal tumors which are related closely to retroperitoneal organs and major vessels.
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