An assessment of the factors affecting surgical decision making: a multi institutional study
Decision-making, Factors affecting decisions, SurgeonsAbstract
Background: Decision making is a complex process, especially when guidelines are lacking. Surgeons then turn to other factors to help guide them make these decisions. This study is an attempt to understand these factors which play a role in the decision making process of surgeons.
Methods: A prospective qualitative study was conducted amongst consultant surgeons and surgical residents from various institutes across Bangalore. The questionnaire was sent out to these surgeons and responses were recorded using Google Forms. A total of 158 responses were received and analyzed.
Results: 69.2% of surgeons felt that patient preferences influence their decision making process. Age of the patient and medical comorbidities played a role in the decision making process of 95.5% and 94.2% of the surgeons respectively. 91% of the surgeons agreed that their age and experience has a strong influence on the decisions made by them. The institution of work and availability of tools mattered to 61.7% and 80.1% of the surgeons respectively.
Conclusions: Factors such as patients’ age, comorbidities, preferences, surgeon’s institution of study, institution of work, experience, and institutional factors influence the decisions made by surgeons. Further study is needed on the larger scale to fully understand the various factors playing a role in the final decision making process.
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