Evaluation of persistent upper abdominal pain by upper gastrointestinal endoscopy
Gastritis, H. pylori, Upper gastrointestinal scopyAbstract
Background: The upper gastrointestinal tract is affected by a spectrum of conditions which span from infectious, idiopathic, inflammatory diseases, polyps, motility disorders and malignancy. Upper gastrointestinal scopy is believed to be the most effective screening modality as it not only allows direct visualization of oesophagus, gastric and duodenal mucosa but to perform biopsies in suspected malignancies. Aim: To evaluate persistent upper abdominal pain by upper gastrointestinal scopy.
Methods: A total of 100 patients presented with complains of persistent upper abdominal pain were subjected to upper gastrointestinal scopy. Biopsies in indicated cases were taken from abnormal areas and sent for histopathology.
Results: Most common finding in patients according to upper gastrointestinal scopy was gastritis (27%), followed by duodentitis (9%), and gastroduodenitis (7%). Rapid urease test in cases of gastritis and duodenitis to determine H. pylori infection were positive in 53.8% cases.
Conclusions: Because of its precision and relatively safe technique upper GI endoscopy can be considered in patients above age of 50 years presenting to surgical OPD with complaints of persistent pain in upper abdomen. Investigating helicobacter pylori should be considered in all patients found to have gastric or duodenal lesions on upper GI endoscopy as its association with these lesions ranges from 50 to 80%.
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