Hyperbilirubinemia and appendicular perforation peritonitis
Appendiceal, Peritonitis, Perforation, HyperbilirubinemiaAbstract
Background: This study aims to assess the relationship between appendiceal perforation peritonitis and serum bilirubin levels, as has been reported previously in the literature.
Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted at tertiary care hospital of India, namely Government Medical College-Srinagar, Maulana Azad Medical College-Delhi and Government Medical College-Jammu over a period of five years (January 2014 to December 2018). Authors collected and analysed the data of 306 patients, who had reported to the surgery emergency of the afore mentioned hospitals with complaints of acute abdominal pain and were later confirmed and managed as appendiceal perforation peritonitis (localized or generalized). Also, liver function tests of these 306 patients had been sent at the time of admission.
Results: Authors had 202 males and 104 females with an average age of 35 years in this study group. Hyperbilirubinemia was noted in 226 patients, with an average serum bilirubin level 1.8 mg/dl. In patients having total leucocyte counts higher than 11000 cells/cumm, the average serum bilirubin level was 2 mg/dl.
Conclusions: It may be safely concluded that a pre-operative evaluation of serum bilirubin levels may help us in better diagnosing appendiceal perforation when used in conjunction with other routine and advanced diagnostic modalities.
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