Reducing ultrasound in diagnosing deep vein thrombosis by using clinical scores and D-dimer testing


  • Nehad Abdou Zaid Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Egypt
  • Mahmoud S. El Desoky Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Egypt
  • Seham F. Attia Department of Emergency, Faculty of Medicine, Menoufia University, Egypt



Clinical probability, D-dimer, Deep venous thrombosis, Venous duplex, Wells score


Background: To reduce unnecessary venous ultrasound examination in cases suspected to have deep venous thrombosis (DVT) in emergency department by using D dimer and wells score. venous duplex is widely used to diagnose DVT increasing burden on ultrasound in overcrowded emergency department. Authors can decrease this burden by using clinical probability scores and D dimer.

Methods: This is prospective study done on 50 consecutive patients suspected to have DVT represented to emergency department of   Menoufia University Hospital during the period from June 2018 to June 2019. Full history, physical examination, assessment of clinical probability score, d dimer level and results of venous duplex collection.

Results: According to wells score, the majority of cases diagnosed as DVT were of high probability group 13(68.4%), 5 patients with moderate probability and only one patient with low probability was diagnosed as DVT. The mean of D dimer level in cases diagnosed as DVT is (4173.6±2173.1) and in cases without DVT is (927.4±1064.6). Using wells score and D dimer together, sensitivity is 100%, Specificity is 94%. PPV is 90%, and NPV is 100% in predicting DVT. All cases with negative d dimer and low risk probability do not have DVT.

Conclusions: Based on this result, using wells score and d dimer level in early work up of patients suspected to have DVT will decrease overusing and cost of venous duplex.


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How to Cite

Zaid, N. A., El Desoky, M. S., & F. Attia, S. (2020). Reducing ultrasound in diagnosing deep vein thrombosis by using clinical scores and D-dimer testing. International Surgery Journal, 7(2), 332–337.



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