T-tube enterostomy in neonates with perforated necrotizing enterocolitis as an alternative option


  • Tarek Talaat Harb Elkadi Department of Paediatric Surgery, Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt




Enterocolitis, Enterostomy, Tube


Background: The use of T tube enterostomy (TTES) as an alternative option for stoma in neonatal emergency is known long time ago.

Methods: We introduced T-tube ileostomy as technical innovation in our institution as a way of treatment for intestinal perforation in low birth weight premature neonates.

Results: In this study 14 neonates underwent TTES procedures at university-based pediatric surgery and neonatology department. 11 (78.6%) patients treated with TTES, discharged home. Three babies (22.4%) died in postoperative course. One of them developed recurrent severe fulminant NEC ileostomy was created and kept on TPN but died after 2 weeks due to septicaemia. The two others were dysmorphic with metabolic diseases.

Conclusions: T tube is effective in selected cases of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) because of its simplicity in application and removal. But it could not replace the formal stoma in general, its advantages are saving one more time exposure to surgery in those risky patients, Author recommend the use it in cases of post NEC intestinal perforation and extreme low birth weight neonates.

Author Biography

Tarek Talaat Harb Elkadi, Department of Paediatric Surgery, Sohag Faculty of Medicine, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt

Associate professor of pediatric surgery


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