Study of clinical profile, surgical interventions and outcome in a series of patients with pilonidal disease


  • Kailash K. Jawade Department of Surgery, D Y Patil Medical College, Nerul, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Vaishali Radhakishan Bande Department of Pathology, HLL Lifecare Ltd, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Pilonidal disease, Pilonidal sinus, Surgical intervention, Rhomboid flap


Background: Pilonidal disease is a controversial benign condition that often causes nuisance and disability in young adults. Sacrococcigeal region, intergluteal natal cleft, interdigital cleft in barbers and the other hair bearing areas like axilla are found to be involved. Different authors have described different techniques of management of pilonidal disease.

Methods: During September 2010 to August 2018 total 24 patients were presented with pilonidal disease and were treated using various surgical interventions. This retrospective study is done to study demographics and clinical spectrum, clinical course, outcome of different surgical interventions done and complications associated with various techniques.

Results: Out of 24 patients 18 (75%) were males whereas 6 patients (25%) were females. The age range was 23 to 44 years. Sacrococcigeal region is the most commonly affected region in this series. In this series average duration of presence of pilonidal disease before presentation was 89 days ranging from 4 days to 168 days. One of 24 patients was treated with medical management and rest 23 patient required surgical intervention. Complete excision with rhomboid flap was the most common way of treating pilonidal disease and was used in 10 (41.6%) cases.

Conclusions: Pilonidal disease is benign condition seen in young adults associated with morbidity without any mortality. Sinus is the commonest mode of presentation and sacrococcigeal region is the commonest site affected by this disease. Rhomboid flap has a promising result in terms of less post-operative recovery time and post-operative complications. 


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