An uncommon presentation of cryptorchidism


  • Ipseet Mishra Department of Surgical Oncology, Saroj Gupta Cancer Centre and Research Institute, Thakurpukur, Kolkata, India
  • Washim Mollah Department of General Surgery, 2Islampur Super speciality Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Arup Kumar Dutta Department of General Surgery, Raiganj Super speciality Hospital, Uttar Dinajpur, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Rohan Kumar Department of General Surgery, Calcutta National Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India



Cryptorchidism, Intestinal obstruction, Strangulation


Cryptorchidism as a cause of bowel obstruction is very unsuspecting. Bowel obstructions in cases of cryptorchidism, though reported were mostly as a complication of malignant transformation. Only two case reports of cryptorchidism document a non-malignant aetiology for bowel obstruction. This case is of a 16 year old boy referred for pain abdomen and obstipation for last 3 days. He had signs of peritonitis on examination and so, urgent exploratory laparotomy was planned. A loop of jejunum of approx. 30 cm length at a distance of 35 cm from duodeno-jejunal junction was found gangrenous with gubernacular bands around the loop emerging from a left cryptorchid testis. Resection– anastomosis was done along with left orchidectomy. Histopathology revealed an atrophied testis with no malignant changes. This is the first case report of a non-malignant cryptorchid testis as a cause of strangulated intestinal obstruction in literature.


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How to Cite

Mishra, I., Mollah, W., Dutta, A. K., & Kumar, R. (2019). An uncommon presentation of cryptorchidism. International Surgery Journal, 6(9), 3430–3432.



Case Reports