Does pre-emptive onlay mesh reinforcement of midline laparotomies reduce incidence of incisional hernia in high–risk patients?
Incisional hernia, Prophylactic mesh, Midline laparotomy, Risky patients, Onlay meshAbstract
Background: One of the major morbidity after abdominal surgery is incisional hernia. In high risk patients its incidence reaches 11-20% despite various optimal closure techniques for midline laparotomy. Our aim is to evaluate the efficacy of onlay mesh placement in reducing the incidence of incisional hernia in those high risk patients.
Methods: A total of 65 high risk patients suspected to develop post-operative incisional hernia underwent midline abdominal laparotomies. Patients were divided into two groups; group1 (30 patients) for whom the incision was closed by conventional method and group2 (35 patients) for whom the incision was closed with reinforcement by onlay polypropylene mesh. The primary end point was the occurrence of incisional hernia while the secondary end point was post-operative complications including subcutaneous seroma, chronic wound pain, and surgical site infection (SSI). Patients were followed up for two years.
Results: The base line characteristics of the two groups were similar. The incidence of incisional hernia is significantly reduced 1/35 (2.8%) in group 2 while it was 6/30 (20%) in group 1. As regard seroma and chronic wound pain they increased in (group2) 6/35 (17.14%) and 5/35(14.28%) respectively compared to (group 1) which was 4/30 (13.33%) and 2/30 (6.66%). SSI occurred in 1/35 (2.85%) in group 2 and in 1/30 (3.33%) in group 1.
Conclusions: Prophylactic onlay mesh reinforcement of the midline laparotomy for high risk patients can be used safely and markedly reduces the incidence of incisional hernia with little morbidity.
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