Spectrum of right iliac fossa mass differential diagnosis and their management
Right iliac fossa mass, Clinical presentation, ManagementAbstract
Background: Right iliac fossa mass is a common clinical entity encountered in routine surgical practice. The mass arises from different anatomical structures with varied aetiologies that require a high clinical suspicion in its management. The reason being that the mass may range from being benign to most aggressively malignant lesion which encompasses various specialities of surgery like genitourinary, vascular, gynaecological and colorectal surgery.
Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted between august 2015 and October 2017 in Narayan Medical College and Hospital, Nellore. 50 cases were studied after detailed history and physical examination, relevant investigations were done, and different surgical procedures done were noted and histopathological examination of resected specimens was done.
Results: In this series out of 50 patients studied, 23 patients (46%) were diagnosed to have appendicular mass, 10 cases (20%) ileocaecal TB, 8 cases (16%), appendicular abscess, 6 cases (12%) CA Caecum, 3 cases (6%) psoas abscess. Most commonly encountered in 3rd decade of life with male predominance.
Conclusions: RIF mass is a challenging clinical scenario for the surgeons. Keeping in mind the various differential diagnosis with good clinical acumen supported by appropriate investigations, patients with RIF mass can be managed appropriately either by conservative or surgical management.
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