PEDIS grading and its role in diabetic foot ulcer management


  • Chinmay Gandhi Department of General Surgery, BVDUMC and H, Sangli, Maharashtra, India
  • Prameyratna Kadam Department of General Surgery, BVDUMC and H, Sangli, Maharashtra, India
  • Venkateswarlu Kamepalli Department of General Surgery, BVDUMC and H, Sangli, Maharashtra, India
  • Yugantara Kadam Department of Community Medicine, BVDUMC and H, Sangli, Maharashtra, India



Diabetes, Diabetic foot ulcer, PEDIS grading


Background: Diabetic foot ulcer is the commonest cause of hospitalization in diabetic patients. Amputation is one of its dreaded complications, which deteriorates quality of life and increases mortality. Most of amputations are preventable and it is essential to define standard and efficient approach to treat diabetic foot ulcer in a timely manner. The first step is to define correct grade of diabetic foot ulcer and its risk of developing complications. Aim was to assess the outcome of treatment of diabetic foot ulcer with the given PEDIS score and to find the role of PEDIS score in predicting the outcome.

Methods: This is a prospective cohort study. PEDIS score was calculated after all variables were categorized for a give patient and documented. PEDIS score was recorded for each patient. Patients followed up for 6 months and outcome was categorized as healed, unhealed, amputed, or death. Study was carried out till adequate sample size was achieved.

Results: High PEDIS score in diabetic foot ulcer was associated with peripheral neuropathy. Adverse outcome like amputation and unhealed ulcer were more seen with high PEDIS score. All amputed patients were having high PEDIS score.

Conclusions: PEDIS score is more useful in clinical practice for diabetic foot ulcer grading and can be uniformly applied to compare outcome all over the world.


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