Comparative study of MRI fistulogram and X-ray fistulography with operative findings: in fistula in ano
MRI fistulogram, X-ray fistulography, FistulaAbstract
Background: The current study has attempted to evaluate the effectiveness and diagnostic accuracy of MRI fistulogram over X-ray fistulography by comparing their findings with intraoperative findings.
Methods: A hospital based prospective study was conducted at Dr. D.Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Pimpri, Pune with 60 patients to compare the findings of MRI fistulogram and X-ray fistulography with operative finding in fistula in ano. The study was carried out with following two groups of 30 patients each. Group A -30 cases underwent MRI fistulogram. Group B: 30 cases had done X-ray fistulography. Its findings were compared with the final findings of the operation.
Results: On evaluation of the intra-operative findings with MRI fistulogram, we found that inter-sphincteric fistulous tract were noted in 23 patients as compared to 22 patients detected by MRI. In the rest of the findings the sensitivity of MRI with intraoperative findings was nearly 100% with a significant correlation. Sensitivity and specificity of X-ray fistulogram for fistula in ano was very low.
Conclusions: The results have been statistically significant in providing data in favour of MRI fistulogram as diagnostically superior to X-ray fistulography.
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