Peptic perforations: comparative study of its closure (omentopexy versus figure of 8 closure)
Peritonitis, Omentopexy, Figure of 8Abstract
Background: Peptic ulcer perforation is one the most common and catastrophic maladies that affect mankind. The aim of this study was to compare the surgical techniques of peptic ulcer perforation closure namely omentopexy and figure of 8 stitch with reference to recovery time and complications rate.
Methods: Of 80 selected patients, figure of 8 method for closure of peptic perforation was used in 40 patients and 40 by using omentopexy method. Outcomes were compared in view of postoperative recovery time and postoperative complications such as wound complications, respiratory complications, burst abdomen, septicaemia, hospital stay, death.
Results: In our study it was noted that age of presentation was in elderly males with risk factors like alcohol, smoking, tobacco chewing, and NSAIDS use in decreasing order. Late presentation was associated with higher complication including one death. In figure of 8 group it was found that RT Removal was early, early oral resumption loss hospital stay in figure of 8 group than in omentopexy group. Complications such as wound complication, burst abdomen , leak, and septicaemia were more in omentopexy group than figure of 8 group. Only one death occurred in study that was in omentopexy group.
Conclusions: We came to conclusion that peptic perforation is more common in males around 50 years with risk factors of smoking and alcohol. Outcomes of surgery with figure of 8 stitch were better than omentopexy with respect to oral resumptions, early discharge, less complications such as wound complications, burst abdomen leak septicaemia and death.
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