Do surgical patients of remote areas really need to overburden urban medical colleges: a practical survey analysis


  • Anjana Bose Department of Anaesthesiology, Diamond Harbour Government Medical College, Diamond Harbour, West Bengal, India
  • Agniva Ghosh Dastidar Department of Surgery, R.G. Kar Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India



Rural hospitals, Surgical patients, Urban medical colleges


Background: Public health care delivery is inadequate and as a result the demand supply gap is large, this is specially so in rural India. Even with so many hospitals in the peripheries still there is overcrowding in the urban Medical Colleges. Overcrowding is when hospitals operate beyond a safe level of 85% bed occupancy. This leads to delay in treatment and subsequent medical complications. Furthermore, quality of the treatment is jeopardised as its effects physician’s effectiveness, causing frustration among medical staff and may even contribute to violence. The objective was to identify the elective/non-emergency operations that could have been done in rural hospitals but were done in a tertiary Medical College and to find out the cause for avoiding the local government hospitals nearer to their residence. This study suggested some remedies to correct this disparity.

Methods: This was an observational and descriptive study where patient’s type of operation, distance travelled and cause for coming to an urban Medical College was noted.

Results: Majority of the patients did not have any idea as to why they chose this hospital, other reasons are lack of infrastructure in their rural hospital, bad reputation, lack of cleanliness, malpractice by the hospital staff etc.

Conclusions: Health care facilities in different locations should be based on utilization rates and also proper and efficient management of these established facilities should be done.


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How to Cite

Bose, A., & Dastidar, A. G. (2019). Do surgical patients of remote areas really need to overburden urban medical colleges: a practical survey analysis. International Surgery Journal, 6(2), 564–569.



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