Invagination of inguinal hernial sac in comparison with ligation and excision in indirect inguinal hernia
Excision of sac, Hernial sac, Invagination of sac, Indirect inguinal hernia, Postoperative painAbstract
Background: To evaluate the incidence of early recurrence and chronic groin pain in the two groups of patients (group A=ligation and excision, group B=invagination) with indirect inguinal hernia and to observe different intraoperative and post-operative parameters in both groups.
Methods: This prospective randomized study was done in SSG Hospital and Government Medical College, Vadodara from 1st December 2016 to 30th November 2017. All the cases of indirect inguinal hernia attending the surgical OPD in SSG hospital were enrolled in this study. All the patients underwent Lichtenstein tension free repair. A total of 50 patients were enrolled in this study. MedCalc Software Version 12.5.0 was used for the analysis of the data and Microsoft word and Excel was used to generate graphs and tables.
Results: 50 patients of indirect inguinal hernia with more than 18 years of age were enrolled and divided into two groups. Intra operative complications, post-operative pain by VAS and post-operative complication observed, which was found insignificant. There was no seroma and induration on both the study group at 3 months and 6 months interval. No local swelling (recurrence) in inguinal region was seen in patients (both group A and group B) during the 6 months follow up period.
Conclusions: This study shows no difference in outcome of results in Lichtenstein tension free hernia repair for indirect inguinal hernia with two different technique in dealing with sac except less postoperative pain in invagination of sac as compare to ligation and excision.Metrics
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