An approach to diagnosis and management of diabetic foot in rural medical college


  • Hanumanthaiah C. S. Department of General Surgery, Sri Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Karnataka, India
  • V. Sharath Kumar Department of General Surgery, Sri Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Karnataka, India
  • Suhas N. Gowda Department of General Surgery, Sri Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Karnataka, India



Diabetics, Diabetic foot, Endocrine, Ulcer, Vascular involvement


Background: India has the dubious distinction of becoming the diabetic capital of the world within the next few years; with its attendant complications it is going to burden the resources of the country. A majority of diabetic patients develop foot ulcers in one point of time or other during the course of their illness. A significant number of such patients will require long-term hospital treatment and amputations. Objective is to assess the predisposing factor and various modes of clinical presentation and management of Diabetic foot ulcer.

Methods: An observational and prospective Hospital based Study was conducted at AIMS, B G Nagara, Bellur Cross from January 2018 to June 2018. A total of 40 patients with Diabetes Mellitus and suffering from diabetic foot ulcer admitted in the department of surgery were included in the study.

Results: The mean age was 61+ 13.9 years. The male constituted nearly 26 (65%) and 14 (35%) females. Nearly 31(78%) of the cases had some of the predisposing factors for the diabetic ulcer of the foot The involvement of peripheral Vascular Disease was seen in 6 (16%) of the cases and 9(22%) had. The levels of HbA1C more than 7 mg % was seen in nearly 82 % of the case showing poor glycaemic control.

Conclusions: Diabetic patients have always suffered from complications affecting the lower limbs. Foot infection and the subsequent amputation of a lower extremity are the most common cause of hospitalization among diabetic patients.


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How to Cite

C. S., H., Kumar, V. S., & Gowda, S. N. (2018). An approach to diagnosis and management of diabetic foot in rural medical college. International Surgery Journal, 5(12), 4031–4034.



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