An observational study to evaluate improved graft acceptance and viability after single dressing on 15th postoperative day in cases of split thickness skin graft (STSG)


  • Narendra G. Naik Department of General Surgery, Rajiv Gandhi Medical College, Kalwa, Thane, Maharashtra, India
  • Sangram Karandikar Department of General Surgery, Terna Specialty Hospital and Research Centre, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India



Split thickness skin graft, Donor site, Recipient site, Time of dressing, Skin graft rejection


Background: After split thickness skin graft (STSG), it’s a routine practice to change recipient site dressing on 5th post-operative day and frequent dressing thereafter. The repeated change of recipient site dressing may interfere in graft acceptance. It’s also an effort to evaluate cost-effectiveness and graft acceptance after single dressing of recipient site at the end of 2 weeks.

Methods: In the study group, 120 patients were operated for STSG. The recipient site dressing was done on 15th post-operative day. Observations were made regarding presence of residual ulcer at the recipient site. The results were compared with rate of residual ulcers at the recipient site in control group. The control group was comprised of 134 patients of STSG operated by the same surgeon in the previous year. Their dressing of recipient site was first changed on 5th post-operative day and multiple times thereafter. The results in both the groups were correlated with co-morbidities affecting wound healing.

Results: The rate of residual ulcer at recipient site in both the groups was comparable with better cosmetic result and cost-effectiveness associated with the study group. In both the groups, common co-morbid factors were observed to be responsible for residual ulcers at the recipient site.

Conclusions: After appropriate preparation of recipient site and in absence of co-morbid factors, the single 1st dressing of recipient site on 15th post-operative day gives better cosmetic outcome. This is also cost-effective as compared to the traditional practice of frequent multiple change of recipient site dressing.


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How to Cite

Naik, N. G., & Karandikar, S. (2018). An observational study to evaluate improved graft acceptance and viability after single dressing on 15th postoperative day in cases of split thickness skin graft (STSG). International Surgery Journal, 5(12), 3935–3939.



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