Assessment of gallstones formation after bariatric surgery
Bariatric surgery, GallstonesAbstract
Background: Gallstone formation is a common complication after bariatric surgery. Pure restrictive procedures such as sleeve gastrectomy and gastric banding theoretically should result in less gallstone formation because the food continues to follow the normal gastrointestinal tract.
Methods: This study is prospective and retrospective study will be done on fifty (50) patients with morbid obesity in General Surgery Department Menoufiya University Hospitals and will be followed up after bariatric surgery.
Results: There were 50 patients, 43 were females (86%) and 7 were males (14%), 39 were done sleeve gastrectomy (78%) and 11 were done mini gastric bypass (22%) and 31 with BMI less than 40 (62%) and 19 with BMI more than 40 (38%). Present study revealed that role of bariatric surgery in gallstones formation postoperatively is statically significant according to parameters as weight loss of more than 25% of original weight was one of the predictive postoperative factors.
Conclusions: With assessment of values of risk factors for gallbladder diseases after bariatric surgery there were significance of degree of weight loss more than 25% of original body weight, the 1st 6 months after surgery, BMI more than 40 kg/m2 and type of surgery as gastric bypass is more gallstone formation than pure restrictive surgery as sleeve gastrectomy.
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