Concealed abruptio-placenta and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy: a near fatal management experience in a peripheral center
Concealed abruptio-placentae, Cesarean hysterectomy, Disseminated intravascular coagulation, Post-partum hemorrhageAbstract
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy (DIC) is a fatal complication. In pregnant mothers concealed abruptio placenta though less commonly occurring but more dangerous is a compounding factor for development of DIC. Ascending uterine infection in premature rupture of membranes and PIH are also compounding factors in causing DIC. However, the outcome is not very positive in majority of the cases. While managing such cases in peripheral setting, it is most pertinent to keep in mind the possibility of rapid deterioration of clinical condition of such patients, which might progress to fatality. Therefore, timely institution of resuscitative and supportive measures in such labile patient is of utmost necessity while delivering peri and post-operative care. The interesting case report discussed in this patient also was of life threatening severity but timely institution of whole blood transfusion, FFP and fluid support was immensely helpful in saving the patient in peripheral setup despite her undergoing three consecutive life saving surgeries and a peri-operative cardiac arrest.
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