Outcome of traumatic Extradural Hematoma (EDH) using Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS)


  • Dixit V. Prajapati Department of Surgery, Government Medical college, Vadodara, Gujarat, India
  • Nimish J. Shah Department of Surgery, Government Medical college, Vadodara, Gujarat, India




Extradural hematoma, Glasgow coma scale, Glasgow outcome score


  1. Background: Outcome in patient with EDH depends on various factors like GCS at presentation, Volume of hematoma, time of intervention, age, location of hematoma, etc. This study was carried out to find out correlation (if any) between outcome and various factors affecting it. Aim and objectives of this study were to study outcome of patients with traumatic EDH in terms of poor outcome (GOS score 1,2,3), Good outcome (GOS Score 4,5)

    Methods: This study was carried out in 91 patients having positive CT Head for EDH. Follow up was done every monthly up to 3 months. GOS was recorded at each follow up. 

    Results: Road traffic accident was the most common mode of trauma. 16 patients were operated. Four patients died immediately after diagnosis of traumatic EDH, before doing any intervention. One patient died on 1st post-operative day. After one month, two patients were lost to follow up, 80 patients had GOS 5, four patients had GOS 4. At 2nd and 3rd month, 83 patients had GOS 5, one patient had GOS 4. 17 patients had GCS 3-8, among them, 11 patients had GOS 5, one patient had GOS 4 and five patients died (GOS 1). 15 patients had GCS 9-12, among them, 15 patients had GOS 5. 57 patients had GCS 13-15, among them, 54 patients had GOS 5. 69 patients had EDH volume <30 ml and all patients had GOS 5. 20 patients had EDH volume ≥30 ml, among them, 14 patients had GOS 5, one patient had GOS 4 and five patients died.

    Conclusions: GOS in EDH patient is affected by GCS and EDH volume at presentation. Lower GCS and larger EDH volume have poor outcome. Surgical intervention in larger EDH volume improves outcome.


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How to Cite

Prajapati, D. V., & Shah, N. J. (2018). Outcome of traumatic Extradural Hematoma (EDH) using Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). International Surgery Journal, 5(10), 3327–3334. https://doi.org/10.18203/2349-2902.isj20184083



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