A case of Giant Renal Angiomyolipoma in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Adenoma sebaceum, Giant renal angiomyolipoma, Nephrectomy, Tuberous sclerosisAbstract
ABSTRACT:Angiomyolipomas also referred to as renal hamartoma is a benign lesion.They are either sporadic or associated with syndromes like tuberous sclerosis. Here we present a case of 58yrs old male patient, who presented with left sided abdominal pain for 1month.On examination over face Adenoma Sebaceum was present.Ultrasound abdomen and contrast enhanced computed tomography showed bilateral renal angiomyolipoma with aneurysm over left side.On plain computed tomography of head subependymal calcifications were present.Left Nephrectomy was done and histopathology revealed Angiomyolipoma.
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