Frequency of gross total resection in intra-axial brain tumors with help of neuronavigation
Brain tumors, Gross total resection, MRI, NeuronavigationAbstract
Background: Neuronavigation has become a ubiquitous tool in the surgical management of brain tumors. Neuronavigation is most useful as an adjunct to other brain-mapping techniques such as awake mapping and electrocorticography in the resection of lesions within eloquent motor and language areas. Neuronavigation is also commonly used in skull base tumors, especially for planning an operative trajectory in regions containing vital neurovascular structures and may be used for cerebrovascular surgery. The current study was planned to determine the frequency of gross total resection in intra-axial brain tumors with the help of neuronavigation.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in the Department of Neurosurgery, Nishtar Medical College and Hospital, Multan, from September 2014 to March 2015. After approval from institutional ethical committee, seventy-seven patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected from the patient admitted in the Neurosurgical Department through the Out-Patient Department and patients referred from other departments. After thorough counseling with the patient and his/her relatives, informed consent for procedure was taken.
Results: Total 78 patients were included in the study. Out of these 78 (100%), 41 (52.6%) were male and 37 (47.4%) were female. As concern to the outcome variable (gross total resection), out of 78 (100%), in 61 (78.2%) patients gross total resection was present. On cross tabulation it was further clarified that in male patients’ gross total resection present in 32 patients and absent in 9 patients. Similarly, in female patients gross total resection present in 29 patients and absent in 8 patients. P value was 0.747.
Conclusions: Conclusion of present study is that neuronavigation is a useful technique in for better gross total resection of intra axial brain tumors.
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