Epidemiological analysis of 1637 cases of animal bite injuries


  • Mudassir M. Wani Department of Surgery, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India
  • Zia-Ul Sabah Department of Medicine, King Khalid University, Abha, Aseer, Saudi Arabia




Animal bites, Bite category, Injury pattern, Rabies


Background: This study was conducted prospectively over a period of two years in accident and emergency department of Government Medical College, Srinagar. The main objectives of the study included finding out epidemiological aspects of animal bites, categorising bites and analysing associated injuries.

Methods: From April 2009 to April 2011, more than 1800 patients presented to accident emergency department with injuries due to human animal conflict. Out of them, 1673 patients had only bite injuries and were treated on out patient basis were included in the study.

Results: Study revealed incidence in males (69.27%) being higher than in females. The age group most commonly involved was 0-10 years and rural population (60.72%) was more affected as compared to urban population. Furthermore, dogs were most common (88.46%) animals to be involved in bites. The commonest bite category was class 2 among all the bites (58.57%) while as type 1 was least common (9.74%). Injury pattern showed that most common site of bite was lower limbs, left leg (56.90%) being more common than the right.

Conclusions: We conclude from this study that animal bites usually involve age group of less than 10 years. Males and rural population are more commonly involved. Dog is most common animal involved in such conflicts. We found lower limbs are most common sites involved with left lower limb being more commonly bitten as compared to right.


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