Modified alvarado score in diagnosis of acute appendicitis: a clinicopathological study
Acute appendicitis, Modified alvarado score, White appendectomyAbstract
Background: Acute appendicitis is one of the commonest surgical emergencies in all ages. Diagnosis is mainly clinical, delay in diagnosis definitely increases the morbidity, mortality and cost of treatment, more aggressive surgical approach has resulted in increased white appendectomies.
Methods: A total 100 cases hospitalized with abdominal pain, suggestive of acute appendicitis on the basis of modified Alvarado scoring system and were subsequently operated, were included in the present study in our institute for period of 20 Months.
Results: Males belonging to young age group of 21-30 were most commonly affected. Abdominal pain was seen in 100% of patients. Fever seen in 87% of patients and vomiting in78%. Modified Alvarado score of 9 had positive predictive value of 100% while negative predictive value 8.9%, while score between 7-8 had positive predictive value of 98.9% and negative predictive value 27.8%. The sensitivity was 86.1% and specificity was 83.3%. The ultrasonography showed a sensitivity of 94.68%. In present study rate of total white appendectomy was 6%. The Modified Alvarado scoring system is a reliable and practicable diagnostic modality to increase the accuracy in diagnosis of acute appendicitis and thus to minimise unnecessary appendectomy.
Conclusions: Young males are most commonly affected almost always presents with abdominal pain. The Modified Alvarado scoring system is a reliable and practicable diagnostic modality to increase the accuracy in diagnosis of acute appendicitis and thus to minimise unnecessary appendectomy.
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